Thursday, May 19, 2011

How I Store My Brushes

My beauty essentials. 

Storage posts are some of my my favorite posts to read about on beauty blogs. I also find it thrilling watching vlogs on YouTube detailing people's storage solutions. There is something enjoyable about getting a peak into someone's world without seeming creepy or stalkerish. I also obsess about how I store my makeup and just when I feel satisfied I go back and fiddle with it all over again, it's never ending, I tell ya!

You all know by now that I store my makeup in my beloved (yes, that is not an exaggeration in the slightest) Clear Cube, but now I'll show you how I store my makeup brushes. This idea earns me zero points in the creative department as I just saw this at MAC cosmetics counters and blatantly copied liked the idea. I found the Pyrex beakers online at and promptly ordered the sizes I wanted. I went with the 400ml beaker for primarily my face brushes and some miscellaneous MAC eye brushes. The 150ml beaker is used for my smaller eye brushes (like my Trish McEvoy and Le Metier de Beaute crease brush).

I hope you found this post to be somewhat insightful and helpful if you were stuck on ways to store your revered makeup tools.

Look for a more in-depth brush review and post in the future.